Throughout the process I felt that achieving the 'right look' for a high-end architectural products showroom was just as important to you as it was to me.
- Richard S. Cohen, Feather River Wood, Wilmette
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For Wood’s Sake!

Wood finishing played an unusual and important role in a recent house painting project. Nineteen years ago, when their townhouse was being built, the owners walked in and saw a massive, twenty-seven foot wood beam holding up the gable of their 2-story foyer/living-room space. They were excited at the thought that this beautiful beam would grace their new home.

Removal of Drywall from Beam Surfaces

Removal of Drywall from Beam Surfaces

When they came back at the end of the day to check on the day’s progress, the owners were shocked to see that the beam had been dry-walled to blend in with the ceiling. From that point forward, the owners quietly mourned the loss of their wood beam. They wondered if the drywall could ever be removed and their beam restored with an appropriate stain and varnish.

Restored Wood Beam - Stained and Varnished

Restored Wood Beam - Stained and Varnished

The owners recently called on Painting in Partnership to come out to look at some water damage around a few windows. In the course of the conversation, the owner confided in me about his long lost wood beam and asked what we might be able to do. I recommended that we test an area to see make sure that no glue had been used and that the drywall could be removed. Since that part of the house had not been painted in a long time, I also recommended that we not only refinish the beam, but also repaint the adjacent areas. The owners gave us the go-ahead with the project!

The testing revealed that no glue had been used and the drywall could be safely removed. The clients were delighted! We then added trim pieces on the edges of the beam to give a really professional look. After the staining was completed, we used a dead flat varnish to enhance the beam’s natural appearance.

A commitment to understand a client’s vision and desires for their home is part of what distinguish us as painting and decorating contractors in the Chicago area. Being of service in this way delights everyone involved in the painting project.