Painting in Partnership encouraged us to stretch with some bold choices. We trusted their experience and now have a 'masterpiece'.
- Lori and Don Lyon, Arlington Heights
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Archive for Pet Safety on Painting Projects

A Dog’s Advice to Painters About Animal Safety on Painting Projects

Abby's Picture as Staff Writer on Pet Safety

Our dog Abby was recently promoted to Staff Writer on pet safety for our Chicago area painting and decorating company. Her column in our company’s newsletter will be titled “Dear Abby on Pet Safety”. To subscribe to her column, fill out the box in the right-hand column of our Home Page. Here is her first post.

Pet safety on painting projects is important because of the special relationship I have with my owner. If something were to happen to me while you are doing your work, I might end up having to share my dog house with you – I do not want that to happen! So, here are a few tips that would help you in keeping me safe.

First, talk to my owner about which room I should stay in while you are here. I might need to keep an eye on you, but it is best if you do not let me roam around. I have been known to make messes by getting my nose, paws, even my ears into places where I should not. That stuff tastes weird anyway!

Second, it would be a good idea to check with my owner to see if they have an electronic fence for me. Make sure I have my collar on in case I sneak out on you. Also, ask if you might need to let me out mid-day so I can do my business. My owner and I would appreciate that a lot.

When you do work around my house, do not drop stuff on your tarps like razor blades, nails or screws. I can cut myself on those things. God forbid I should swallow one of them!

Another pet peeve of mine (no pun intended) is the leftovers from your lunch boxes. If you leave them in your job site trash bag, I will find them! Believe me, my owner will not be happy when I rummage through your stuff to get to the good stuff in there. On top of that, I can injure myself going through that bag. So, pretty please, take the food with you when you leave my place!