Painting in Partnership listens to our ideas and needs and blends them with their skills to come up with a very unique and satisfying result each and every time.
- A. & C. Yeshwant, MD, South Barrington
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Early Detection is Key to the Success of Window Restoration

Window Restoration Project

Window Casing - Before Restoration

Yes, even a seventeen-year old house can be in need of window restoration work, especially when it boasts 91 windows and 30 freezes. In all, forty of the casings will need epoxy repairs and a few will need some wood replacement as well. On the house’s south side, the sun is the major trigger for the deterioration. On the north side, high and thick landscaping interferes with air circulation and causes the moisture to overly befriend the window components. In both cases, the moisture settles in the areas where the casings meet the sills and rots the wood.

This new client is interested not just in restoring the windows and arresting the deterioration, but also in doing the preventative maintenance that will minimize or eliminate the need for such costly repairs in the future. Starting next year, we will be doing a yearly inspection of all the windows and freezes to detect any caulk failure on or around the components. Caulk failure is the culprit behind much of the rot that develops on window components. Ensuring a tight caulk seal between all the joints is key to a sound window maintenance program, because it prevents the intrusion of moisture into the window components.

As house painting and decorating contractors in the Chicago area, part of our mission is to preserve and protect the useful life of surfaces. We favor restoration over replacement. Restoration preserves surfaces and saves you money!